We help manage your supply chain operations efficiently to make positive impact on your balance sheet. |nishant@msrassociates.co.in


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So far nishant has created 6 blog entries.

Innovation as a service


Definition: Innovation as Services is a term that refers to both product and process innovation in service firms, sectors, and industries. It requires the development of new or improved services. Service Innovation means the generation of new services though this can be service-providing organizations in all sectors.  Introduction: In today’s industrial and corporate world, [...]

Innovation as a service2020-07-30T10:50:51+00:00



What is the Software Development Life Cycle? The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a process used for structuring the development of any software system, from initiation through to implementation. An increase in demand for software to meet customer needs effectively but with less cost and faster delivery has put tremendous pressure on modern organizations. [...]


Sourcing Management


What is Vendor Management? Vendor management is the process of developing the good relationships with vendors and suppliers to get better services, products, and support, while reducing costs. Sourcing is a key part of the vendor management process that leads to many aspects of selection and evaluation process of vendors. Sourcing identifies the [...]

Sourcing Management2024-02-13T06:07:51+00:00

Evolution of Supply Chain


Introduction to Supply Chain Management Supply chain management (SCM) is the wide range of functions that includes managing flow of raw materials from supplier to distribute, processing of the final product and then delivering to an end user in the most cost-efficient manner. In SCM, not only movement of physical goods but also [...]

Evolution of Supply Chain2024-02-13T06:09:47+00:00

Ecommerce Business Management


Ecommerce Business Management As we all know that the Ecommerce business is a part of our life now. By using Internet we can easily do ecommerce business there are many websites who do ecommerce business such as amazon, flipkart, etc. But in ecommerce business people are not making profit by selling their products [...]

Ecommerce Business Management2024-02-13T06:08:55+00:00

Digital Supply Chain


Digital Supply Chain The first three industrial revolutions that completely changed the landscape of our modern society are steam engine, the era of science and mass production, and the inception of digital technology. This changed the way of our work, play and live. And now, the time of the fourth industrial revolution is [...]

Digital Supply Chain2024-02-13T06:12:19+00:00
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